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The Northern Ohio Surfrider Foundation Chapter at a cleanup on the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland Ohio

Meet the Team

Meet the Northern Ohio Surfrider Foundation Chapter

Meet the Northern Ohio Surfrider Foundation Team

The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world's oceans, lakes, waves, and beaches through a powerful activist network. There are 80 chapters and 100 youth clubs in the Surfrider network. 

Surfrider's work is largely made possible by the work of incredible volunteers on our Executive Committee and Core Volunteer network.

Want to join one of our committees? Email us at one of the links listed below.

Senior Regional Manager

Sarah is an integral part of our Chapter Management team as she oversees 17 chapters in the Great Lakes, Southeast and Texas, and provides them with support, training, and resources that they need, spanning diverse topics such as fundraising; recruitment; team management; program and campaign planning; and policy and advocacy. Sarah enjoys spending time outdoors gardening, hiking, standup paddleboarding, and being with her family.

Sarah Damron, Surfrider Foundation Regional Manager


Val Flors is our executive chair for the Northern Ohio Surfrider Chapter. She's passionate about sustainability, loves adventure and being in nature and near the water. She's been paddleboarding for two years and is looking forward to competing in her first race this summer. 

"I'd love to hear from you have ideas or want to get more involved in the Northern Ohio chapter."


Volunteer Coordinator

Lara Roketentz is our volunteer coordinator for the Northern Ohio Surfrider Foundation chapter.I am obsessed with our Great Lakes.

"I am a Midwestern gal and I feel like the Great Lakes are our best kept secret. We have issues with toxic algal blooms and “traditional” pollution, but are seeing an uptick in plastic pollution and nurdles on our beaches. These impact not only beach and lake aesthetics but also the ecological health of humans and wildlife as they degrade over time. In fact, some nurdles from a Cleveland beach were found to have some of the highest levels of DDT in the world - and that alone can have catastrophic effects on the little critters at the lower levels of the food chain and work its way up."

Email:               VolunteerCoordinator

Lara Roketentz Volunteer Coordinator Northern Ohio Surfrider Foundation Chapter
Matt Park


Matthew Park is our executive secretary for the Northern Ohio Surfrider Chapter. He became involved with Surfrider Northern Ohio in 2021 as part of grassroots effort to preserve a regionally significant surf spot in Lorain, Ohio. He has been surfing the great lakes for over two decades and supports Surfrider Northern Ohio with a focus on fair beach access for all.


Marketing Coordinator

Dave Kaminski is responsible for the promotion of the northern Ohio Surfrider Foundation mission, programs and events. Dave learned to surf in San Diego, and now is an active kayaker and fisherman. In his spare time he spends it with his dog, Tobin.  

"I think Lake Erie is one of our most under valued resources in Cleveland. When I moved home to CLE from SD, I was very happy to learn that there was a local Surfrider chapter. I'd love to see more of my friends get involved with this organization and keep the Great Lakes looking great." 


Dave Kaminski
Steve Simmons


Steve Simmons has enjoyed local freshwater surf since 2011. He is the father of two adult daughters. Steve has been treasurer since 2024. He recently retired from his day job as a legal/contracts professional.


Open Positions and Committees

Vice Chair

This person supports the Chair, is a spokesperson for the chapter, and helps lead the Executive Committee and chapter.

  • Runs meetings in the chair’s absence
  • Performs other duties of the chair as needed (checks chapter email account, provides support to other EC members, reports to regional/national staff, and speaks on behalf of the chapter)
  • Ideally chairs a committee of the chapter, either event or campaign committee
  • Contribute to the Chapter’s website and Social media pages .

Events Coordinator

This person can be the lead for a campaigns like “Ban Plastic Bags in our little town USA”, or for a program like Great Lakes Friendly Restaurants, or for events like clean ups, fundraisers or recruiting events.

  • Organizes/coordinates fundraising events, tabling events, virtual events.
  • Holds committee meetings and makes agendas
  • Reports to Executive Committee regularly


Do you want to get involved with our organization? Become a volunteer or come join us at one of our upcoming events

We are always looking for committee team members to help us promote, educate, recruit or organize events for the chapter. Email any of the chapter executive committee to get involved with our Northern Ohio Chapter. Opportunities include, but not limited to: 

  • Public Relations & Social Media
  • Great Lakes Friendly Restaurant coordination and recruiting
  • Recruiting at other events, like Blazing Paddles Paddle Fest
  • Donation coordination
  • Educational events

Got an idea that you are passionate about? Email us and get involved.

The Northern Ohio team has cleaned up over 1000 pounds of trash from Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga River in our first 5 events of 2023.