The Northern Ohio Surfrider Chapter is looking forward to an exciting year of events along our lakes and waterways.
Click this Volunteer link to sign up for our newsletters and emails. Or follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Join us at an upcoming event by registering for one of the upcoming events listed below. Simply click the links in the calendar of events to register in our effort to keep Northern Ohio beaches safe to swim surf, paddle and play.
February 6 - 6:00p 2025 Kickoff Party at Collission Bend Brewery in the Flats, Cleveland Ohio
March 6 - 6:00p Chapter Meeting and 2025-2026 Executive Committee Elections at Edgewater Surf in Rocky River, Ohio
April 21 - EarthDay 2025 TBD
May 3 - 10a RiverSweep Cleanup in partnership with Canalway Partners @ Merwins Wharf
Saturday June 21 - International Surfing Day TBD
August 1 & 2 - Vermillion Beach Market Friday 3-8p; Saturday 9a-4p
The Surfrider Foundation is a grassroots non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our ocean, waves, and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network.
The Great Lakes Region consists of a volunteer network from chapters across the Great Lakes committed to protecting the fresh water coastlines in the US. The Northern Ohio Chapter is home to dedicated volunteers who protect Lake Erie and it's surrounding rivers and tributaries.
Donating as little as $5 will make you an official member of the Northern Ohio Surfrider Foundation Chapter. By donating $100 you can get a Surfrider Foundation Member that includes stickers, a T-shirt and other swag from the National organization. Hit the "Become a Member" button below. And wear that Surfrider Gear with pride.
Clean ups
Pounds of trash removed
Education Event
Paddles and Pints nite with Surfrider Foundation Team members in downtown Cleveland on the Cuyahoga River